OUR MISSION - To produce state of the art companies, trusts and superfund products exclusive to our industry on an intelligent and reliable platform.
OUR VISION - Build relationships with excellent partners and to deliver quality products and services, producing good customer outcomes.
OUR CLIENTS - Who seek high quality legal services are


Financial Planning

Legal Practices

Small-to-medium enterprises

High Net Worth individuals
Thank you for your expert opinion over a number of matters we have referred to the Docscentre Legal Team. I have found your advice concerning legal matters raised on behalf of our clients to be insightful, considered and a strong base for making informed decisions
Sandro Bagnati
Senior Consultant,
Chan & Naylor
Docscentre Legal have been helping us which in turn allows us to help our clients. The ease of access to their lawyers and answering our questions gives us clarity in achieving the best outcome.
Matthew Hung
Director, RDL Accountants
Bentleys Tasmania Pty Ltd moved to Docscentre for the production of our legal documents over a year ago. Their integrations with other third-party systems saves a considerable amount if time and their in-house legal support helps provide a rapid solution for non-standard issues.
Robin Allardice
Director, Bentleys Tasmania